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People Talk About US

SF Film School is a professional educational institution for visual graphics and 3D animation, the best graphic institution in South Korea with a long history.

SF Film School graduates’ interviews are here. You can hear the stories in SF Film School, Graduates’ stories after getting a job and about the companies they work for. We hope you become a better artist as keep their advices in your mind. We will look forward to see your advices too in this page in the future. We don’t put the people in this board who already have a job and studied abroad before came to this school.


Donghoon Han

Industrial Light & Magic



Hello, this is Han Dong Hoon. While I was making my portfolio, I was wondering which technical skills that I would like to reflect on my portfolio. I noticed my colleagues spent a lot of time worrying about the storyline of their portfolio. Personally I think you don't have to spend that much time wondering about what you create. I think thinking about what you need to create the image that you want is the most important. I started with a matte painting done in 1983 that I stumbled across on Google. I started modelling after I got camera location by processing tracking first. Then, I did modelling - texture - lighting - rendering - composition. My working progress was no different from my colleagues. About the progress, after I am done with my portfolio, I kind of regret that I could have worked more efficiently.

Started from modelling, I inserted texture, setted lights, created sources that I need with fluid, rendered, pulled out paths, and composited the whole thing with Nuke. But if I could work on my project on more time, I would have set my lightings right after I finished modelling. I think it is more efficient to do textures after you are sure of the tone of the scene by setting the lighting first. I've already heard that projection would be important once I work in the industry, so I sepnt a lot of time to blend textures into the surrounding. And focusing on that was a big appeal to companies when I was looking for jobs.

And I think it is important to not set your limit to a certain tool. Of course, there is a limited time to create a portfolio, but as long as you are sure of the parts that you need, you can use any tools to create that part. It is important to be flexible with your methods. Before I started making my portfolio, I was thinking there must be not much of a difference in terms of handeling Maya and Zbrush. I think the factor that sets the difference is how much you accurately know about what you need to create your portfolio rather than the amount of knowledge that you have about VFX. And the other important factor is your determination. There will be a lot of work to do in a short span of time, and without a strong determination, it will be hard to put them through. For myself, I completed my pre-steps in mid January, re-did my modelling, and finished my portfolio by April 7th, and during that time, I never slept on my bed more than a week. It was because I was anxious of getting a job, but I think always being on my feet helped me to get a job eventually. What I would like to say to people who are making a portfolio is: if you made a decision to make an artwork, do your best. You are making a portfolio, but what you get with it is your future. Your future oppportunities really reflect how hard you worked on your portfolio. If you choose to join the portfolio class, be a strict teacher to yourself and make a portfolio that you won't regret.


2025. 3. 10 Mon.

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